Adriana S. Robinson, Vice President of World Wide Solution Sales leader for Watson Onmi – Channel Commerce
From the very beginning of his presentation, Mike captivated the audience and had my team of 230 people intrigued and engaged, wanting to learn about the relationship between performance and their attitude. He has an easy going style where he infuses humor with theory and provides practical applications that resonated with the audience. He was able to offer real life situations and strategies to overcome obstacles and he was received as highly credible since he has led multiple sales teams in very competitive markets. Mike was masterful at reading the audience quickly and assessing where their needs were and how to address them.
My team left with practical strategies to help them recognize how their interpretation of situations can affect their ability to perform well and how to deal with setbacks when they arise, which are inevitable.
The time we spent with Mike was so worthwhile and productive that we hope to schedule a follow up session. I would highly recommend Mike without hesitation for any organization looking to improve their team’s overall performance as well as their individual performance.
Adriana S. Robinson,
Vice President of World Wide Solution Sales leader for Watson Onmi – Channel Commerce
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